“Merchandise is for Companies that care.” - Forbes

Providing associates with branded merchandise significantly impacts both the employer brand and consumer brand, while also enhancing the onboarding process. For our employer brand, it creates a strong identity, fostering a sense of belonging and team spirit among associates. This not only boosts morale but also makes our team members feel valued and appreciated, leading to increased engagement, loyalty, and reduced turnover.

On the consumer side, branded merchandise transforms associates into walking advertisements, enhancing brand awareness and customer trust. A unified appearance by associates strengthens the consumer brand, making it more recognizable and credible. Additionally, employees become proud brand ambassadors, advocating for the brand and sparking positive word-of-mouth promotion.

Incorporating branded merchandise into the onboarding process further solidifies these benefits. New hires feel an immediate sense of inclusion and alignment with the company's culture and values. This early positive experience fosters loyalty and engagement from the start, setting the tone for a productive and satisfying employment journey. This dual impact on both employer and consumer brands ultimately drives business success through a dedicated workforce and increased customer loyalty.

“EST. 1927 - The Founders Collection”

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